الأربعاء، 29 مايو 2013

Agtel Galaxy II Flash File

CPU : MTK 6253
Flasher Memory : 16MB
Baud Rate : 92100
Flash Platform: Mideatrak
Model: Gallaxy II
Brand: Agtel
Agtel Galaxy II Flash File:Download Here

Agtel Race Flash File

CPU : 6600L2 Or 660L7 SPD
Flasher Memory : 4MB6
Baud Rate : 11520
Flash Platform: Mocor  
Model: Race
Brand: Agtel
Agtel Race Flash File:Download Here

Agtel 2600 Flash File

CPU : 6610SPD
Flasher Memory : 4MB
Baud Rate : 92100
Flash Platform: Mocor  
Model: 2600
Brand: Agtel
Agtel 2600 Flash File:Download Here

Agtel B1 Flash File

CPU : 6610SPD
Flasher Memory : 4MB
Baud Rate : 92100
Flash Platform: Mocor
Model: B1
Brand: Agtel
Agtel B1 Flash File:Download Here

Agtel A6 And A7 Flash File

CPU : 6610SPD
Flasher Memory : 4MB
Baud Rate : 92100
Flash Platform: Mocor  
Model: A6 And A7
Brand: Agtel
Agtel A7 Flash File:Download Here

Agtel B2 Flash File

CPU : 6610SPD
Flasher Memory : 4MB
Baud Rate : 92100
Flash Platform: Mocor  
Model: B2
Brand: Agtel
Agtel B2 Flash File:Download Here

Agtel Mini Flash File

CPU : 6610SPD
Flasher Memory : 4MB
Baud Rate : 92100
Flash Platform: Mocor  
Model: Mini
Brand: Agtel
Agtel Mini Flash File:Download Here

Symphony FT30 Official Flash File

SCHEME   : external NAND 
flash and 64MB LPSDRAM
Symphony FT30 
Official Flash File:Download Here

Symphony F70 Official Flash File

SCHEME   : external 7.125MB 
flash memory and 4MB SRAM
Symphony F70 
Official Flash File:Download Here

Symphony EX82 Official Flash File

SCHEME   : external 28MB 
flash memory and 8MB SRAM
Symphony EX82 
Official Flash File:Download Here

Symphony Ex72 Official Flash File

SCHEME   : external 14MB 
flash memory and 4MB SRAM
Symphony Ex72 
Official Flash File:Download Here

Symphony D70 Official Flash File

SCHEME   : external 13.25MB 
flash memory and 4MB SRAM
Symphony D70 
Official Flash File:Download Here

Symphony D66 Official Flash File

SCHEME   : external 7.28125MB 
flash memory and 4MB SRAM
Symphony D66 
Official Flash File:Download Her

Symphony D65 Official Flash File

Symphony D65 
D65 Silent profile
Official Flash File:Download Here

الخميس، 9 مايو 2013

Pivoteando con Evilgrade

Incluso 5 años después del lanzamiento de Evilgrade algunos empresas aun no parcharon sus productos. No sabemos porque...

Una de las primeras decisiones del desarrollo (aparte de su diseño basado en modulos) fue codear Evilgrade en Perl para que sea fácil portar a otras plataformas.

Finalmente, despues de un poco de esfuerzo evilgrade esta disponible para Windows. De esta manera es posible comenzar un ataque desde un host Windows

Seguramente ya escucharon hablar de pivoting attacks. Bueno, para mostrar esta posibilidad grabamos un video donde demostramos este ataque permitiendo a través de un equipo previamente atacado con evilgrade usarlo como zombi y atacar los sistemas de actualizacion de los equipos en la interna.

El escenario consiste en una  LAN con 3 hosts corriendo en distintas virtuales usando la red en modo bridged:
  • Attacker (
  • Pivotero (
  • Victima  (
En la demo el atacante esta corriendo Backtrack Linux. El Pivotero y la victima esta corriendo Windows 7 x64 (con el adorable koala como fondo de pantalla).

Herramientas utilizadas:
  • Metasploit (msfpayload, meterpreter, etc) - http://www.metasploit.com/
  • TarTool - https://tartool.codeplex.com/
  • Strawberry Perl (portable zip version) - http://strawberryperl.com/
  • Evilgrade (por supuesto)
Algunas notas:
  • Evitamos realizar ataques de spoofing en DNS/ARP a cada host para que el video sea mas corto. Los hosts están configurados para que apunten a la direccion ip del evilgrade que va a atacar.
  • Cuando corremos Evilgrade desde la shell de meterpreter no va a ser interactivo, para eso modificamos el codigo para que al momento de iniciar ejecute el comando "start" en vez de esperar interacción con el usuario.
  • Mover symbolic links desde Linux a Windows usando tar no funciona :) es por eso que tuvimos que eliminar el symbolic link 'javaws.exe' y copiar el archivo de destino para que Evilgrade funcione.
Pueden bajar la ultima versión de evilgrade desde:

الأربعاء، 8 مايو 2013

Pivoting with Evilgrade

Even five years Evilgrade was first released some vendors haven't fixed their products yet. I don't know why.

One of the early development decisions (besides it's modular design) was to
write Evilgrade in Perl, so it should be easy to port it to other platforms.

Finally, after some effort evilgrade is now available for Windows. Now it's
possible to start an attack from a Windows host.

Have you heard about pivoting attacks ? Well, I have recorded a screencast that
demonstrates how you can pivot with evilgrade in order to attack our desired

The scenario is a LAN with 3 hosts running on virtual machines using bridged
  • Attacker (
  • Pivot (
  • Victim (
In the demo the attacker is running Backtrack Linux. The Pivot and the Victim  hosts are running Windows 7 x64 (guess who has the lovely koala in the background).

Tools of the trade:
  • Metasploit (msfpayload, meterpreter, etc) - http://www.metasploit.com/
  • TarTool - https://tartool.codeplex.com/
  • Strawberry Perl (portable zip version) - http://strawberryperl.com/
  • Evilgrade (of course)
Some notes:
  • I have skipped the DNS/ARP spoofing attack to each host to make the screencast shorter. So the DNS addresses are fixed to the needed IP numbers.
  • When running Evilgrade from a meterpreter shell, Evilgrade won't be interactive, that's why you have to modify Evilgrade's code to hardcode the 'start' command instead of waiting for user input.
  • Moving symbolic links from Linux to Windows using tar archives doesn't work, I had to remove the symbolic link 'javaws.exe' and copy the linked file in its place. Evilgrade won't be able to start the webserver otherwise.
  • The evilgrade console is executed from a meterpreter shell, that means the attack is a squared pivot :P
Download the last version of evilgrade from:

Upgrading! Yes even us!

We are quite happy to announce the release of our new website, providing an easier access to our 
researches and news. Additionally we have created a repository in Git Hub (https://github.com/infobyte) where you can find all our developments, this way is you can keep track on the documentation, issues and contributions of our tools. 

This announcement is the first of many, we hope you enjoy it.