الثلاثاء، 20 مايو 2014

Faraday new features: improving (web interface, vulnerability classification)

Hello again Faraday followers! We are continuously improving Faraday, and we have a new set of features and updates to show you.

First, we added new visualizations on the web interface. You can see now, the list of hosts, and services by host, and that could be useful when working with a lot of information. Specially if you are using ZSH UI ! Check at the bottom of this post to see some cool pics!

Second, we're trying to standardize the information generated by the plugins, specially the info related to vulnerabilities. For now, we have normalized the severity, so you don't have to deal with a mix of different words that happen to be the same but written in different forms.
We think is very important to help pentesters to classify and categorize vulnerabilities so they don't need to spend too much time on the organisation of that information, and that's why we have made a lot of analysis and research on that regard and maybe in a couple of months we'll release new related features.

And third, we have increased the performance of the UI when you are working with big workspaces (like thousands of hosts) so you should see important improvements!

Last but not least, we'd like to tell you that it's really important for us to hear your opinion, not just about the current state of Faraday but about the things you would like to see in the future. We encourage you to drop a line, or report an issue on our github repository, or contact us through the mailing list. That way, you can help us to make a better product, and we can help you and your team to work more efficiently.

الاثنين، 12 مايو 2014

Divide and conquer: modern collaborative pentesting Training in Shakacon VI

Hi everybody! Wondering what neat course to take in mid-june?

Join us in Shakacon for this cutting edge training.

We aim to introduce each attendee to the most crucial pentesting phases, collaborative work caveats and well known attack vectors, applying organizational techniques that increase efficiency and work throughput in cooperative environments.
To sum up we'll have a short real-life scenario where we'll compare diverse tools and techniques in order to compare penetration testing engagement tools vs Interactive Penetration Environments like Faraday

Finding cumbersome to scale your team while maintaining a good level of throughput and quality? Are you duplicating efforts while pentesting?

We'll be waiting for you!
Join by clicking here

When: June 22, 2014
Where: Shakacon VI - Honolulu, Hawaii

Come for this one day training, we'll also run the two day version of this training on the Eko Party.