We want to close 2016 making real a very special goal and you can help us!
Once again ToolsWatch gives the opportunity for its readers to vote and create themselves a ranking with the 10 best security tools of the year.
We are so happy to have Faraday, our Integrated Multiuser Pentest Environment and vulnerability management platform, as one of all these solutions that you can vote to update this Top 10 list and our last special wish to close 2016 is to be there.
If you have been trying and working with Faraday and you find it useful, effective and great and if you feel attracted to select it as one of your favorite, we ask you to vote and help us to become part of the Top 10.
The vote will be closed January 31st 2017 and the result will be published on February. You can find the whole information here.
A special thanks to ToolWatch for creating this big opportunity and other thanks to you for voting us.
Did you know that we just released Faradayv2.2 ? Try it, enjoy it and be prepare for 2017 where we´ll come back reloaded.