الاثنين، 16 ديسمبر 2013

Release: Faraday Penetration Test IDE

We are happy to announce our first release of Faraday (beta), an open source collaborative Penetration Test IDE console that uses the same tools you use every day.

Faraday introduces a new concept (IPE) Integrated Penetration-Test Environment

We built a plugin system, where all the I/O from the terminal gets interpreted, if we have a plugin for the command, the output is processed and added to a knowledge base in a transparent way.

Our idea was to build a tool that helps from the perspective of a pentester without changing the way you work, adding the support for multi user collaboration on security testing projects.

Developed with a specialized set of functionalities that help users improve their own work adding collaborative data sharing, indexation and analysis of the generated knowledge during the engagement of a security audit. 

* +40 Plugins (Metasploit, Amap, Arachini, Dnsenum, Medusa, Nmap, Nessus, w3af, Zap and More!)
* Collaborative support  
* Information Highlighting
* Knowledge Filtering
* Information Dashboard
* Conflict Detection
* Support for multiple Workspaces
* IntelliSense Support
* Easy Plugin Development
* XMLRPC, XML and Regex Parsers

Get it now: 

#faraday-dev on irc.freenode.net

We hope you enjoy it!

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