الثلاثاء، 14 أبريل 2015

Infobyte Sponsors BarCamp Miami!

On March 28th the fifth edition of Bar Camp Miami took place where people celebrated 10 years of Bar Camp worldwide.

Barcamp tries to bring together a wide range of members in the IT community, including technologists, designers and engineers, as well as angel investors. Barcamp provides an event where people from different backgrounds can participate with an eye on making sure Miami is on the cutting edge of technology and innovations. 

Infobyte was fortunate to be able to Sponsor the 2015 edition which was held in the Miami Ad School.

In a Bar camp, everyone is expected to participate in some way. This adds a lot of diversity and different points of view to the types of talks presented and the discussions afterwards. Some of the more notable ones included were ¨How to explain a project in three minutes¨, ¨How crowdfunding works¨,  among others . One of the most interesting was from one of the biggest hacker groups in Miami, Code for Miami: How to hack Miami.

Overall, it was a great event and we hope to be able to participate in future Bar Camps!

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