الأربعاء، 8 يوليو 2015

ekoparty News Round- UP (July)

ekoparty News Round- UP

A lot of things have been happening in the ekoparty community the last few months, to say the least. Here, we are going to break down all the latest news, so you can stay up to date on (hopefully) your favorite security conference. 

New Website!

We redesigned our website, where you can checkout all the latest news, pictures and videos from the ekoparty. Check it out here!

We have dates! 

We are happy to announce the dates are now confirmed for the 11th edition of the ekoparty. This year´s event will take place, October 21st-23st, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. To register go to: 



The CFP 2015 is officially open! To send us your new research go to:


Everyone is very excited about ekoparty´s new hackerspace. The Hackerspace concept is a collaborative area where IT enthusiasts as well as from other fields have a common place to meet-up and share their ideas. The Hackerspace concept is an international movement, with locations around the world including; Metalab in Vienna, CBase in Berlin and Noisebridge in San Francisco among others. The eko´s hackerspace is located in the heart of downtown Buenos Aires. 
On June 25th, Hackerspace was inaugurated with members of the local ekoparty community celebrating with light refreshements.

Expanded Exhibitor Space

This year the ekoparty will have an expanded exhibitor space to meet increased demand. Companies now have the option to have a booth without being a full sponsor. It gives companies a great way to meet potential clients, including highlevel security officers and increase visibility throughout the whole Latin America region.

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