الخميس، 20 أغسطس 2015

Faraday 1.0.13 New Release

These past two weeks we've managed to close some tickets that were left out of the last iteration, so we are publishing Faraday v1.0.13 (Community, Pro & Corp).


  • Vulnerability counter on Status Report in WEB UI
  • Added quick vuln edit and delete in WEB UI

  • Exported CSV contains filters and columns from Status Report in WEB UI
  • Expanded Unit Tests for WEB UI
  • XML Cleaner - This feature offers a quick fix for all those tools that output nasty broken XMLs. In order to use it, BeautifulSoup is required, after installing run
    python $FARADAY/helpers/cleanXML.py broken_file.xml
    Keep in mind that this is not part of the Faraday core, and is only meant to be a quick fix for other tool's bugs, so use at your own risk, and always keep a fresh backup of your data.
  • Improve plugins running status log (Adding log information on report importing)
  • Clean dev log on plugins
  • w3af plugin refactoring
  • Kali 2.0 support
  • Fix Debian 7/8.1 install support

Please enjoy, and let us know if you have any questions or comments.

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