الأربعاء، 30 مارس 2016

Check out Faraday v1.0.18!

Today we are happy to announce that Faraday v1.0.18 (Community, Pro & Corp) is ready!

A short iteration, filled with small powerups - brand new CLI mode allows you to process reports in batch, new helpers and plugin fixes.

For our Pro and Corporate versions we added a set of exclusive improvements making the daily work easier.
    We know that our users rely on a lot of different systems and solutions and we want to integrate Faraday in that workflow. In that order we added the ability to easily export data into a JIRA installation, allowing users to share the findings between the security engineering, devops and development teams. In order to do this, we added a new layer between Faraday and the database, making our product more robust than ever. Expect a lot of new features in this direction in the near future!

    Pro & Corp exclusive changes:


    • Experimental JIRA integration - just enable Faraday Proxy Server, go to our Status Report to select the desired vulns and click on the JIRA button! Read more about it here.
    • Added Faraday Proxy Server, a proxy between CouchDB and Faraday, read about how to setup and run
    • Improved Executive Report generation process
    • Extended user management features




    Community, Pro & Corp changes:

    • Added CLI mode - to process the XML output of an NMap scan located in /tmp/nmap-scan.xml into the workspace named project_one run the following command:
      python2 faraday.py --cli --workspace project_one --report /tmp/nmap_scan.xml
      read more about it here
    • Now you can run as many Faraday instances as you like per host
    • Added some new scripts and helpers: (helpers/cfdbToCsv.py - helpers/vulndbToCsv.py - bin/getExploits.py)

      Community, Pro & Corp bug fixes:

      • Included all fields when editing Web Vulnerabilities in bulk mode in our Web UI
      • Fixed selection of Hosts and Services in both their lists in our Web UI
      • Fixed Hosts and Services filters, when results were empty it showed the loading icon forever, now it works as expected
      • Fixed bugs in Qualys, ZAP, Nikto, w3af and OpenVAS plugins:
        • ZAP
          Fixed for newest report version and added Unicode support
        • Nikto
          Fixed for newest report version, added more data import
        • Qualys
          Fixed for newest report version, added more data import and Unicode support
        • ... and more!

      We hope you enjoy it, and let us know if you have any questions or comments.

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