السبت، 8 أكتوبر 2016

Sony Xperia XZ exclusively for purchase in UK with variant Deep Pink

Sony Xperia XZ exclusively for purchase in UK with variant Deep Pink

Sony Xperia XZ exclusively for purchase in UK with variant Deep Pink

Sony Xperia XZ exclusively for purchase in UK with variant Deep Pink

2016 Sony Xperia XZ comes in four shading choices, just three - Mineral dark, Platinum, Forest blue - have been accessible in this way. In any case, that was as of not long ago, as the Deep pink model has likewise been propelled.

The gadget is as of now accessible for buy in the UK, where O2 has affirmed that it will solely offer the Deep Pink Sony Xperia XZ variation in the UK. O2 has this new shading in stock right at this point.

Most retailers offer the Xperia XZ in three hues which incorporates Mineral Black, Forest Blue, and Platinum. We would expect this new Deep Pink shading to specifically show up crosswise over different districts and transporters over the long haul.

There's at present no retailers data on business sectors will get the Deep pink variation, and when it would be dispatched there.


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