الخميس، 23 أكتوبر 2014

ekoparty 2014 - Lockpicking Game

Returning this year we will be running the Lockpicking stand in the 10th edition of the ekoparty!

This year the idea is to recreate a physical space, where the participants are going to have to use all their smarts and abilities to identify and obtain important information, and then to penetrate and isolate the different challenges. The challenges willl test the participants´ knowledge both in physical and cyber security.

The access control will be tricky to get into because there will be numerous types of locks (skeleton keys, padlocks and yale locks, biometrics as well as a few surprises)

To be able to overcome the different steps in the Box challenge it will be necessary to research and exploit various vulnerabilities. Some will be familiar and others will not so much such a s a cryptography challenge and a binary analysis. 

The challenge will be completed in groups and its fundamental that the participants think of a good strategy or how best to collaborate to be able beat the BOX. Those that pass the largest quantity of challenges in the least time will be the winner.

The award will be announced before the beginning of the EKOparty.

  • The use of your own computer will be allowed, where it will be possible to use your own scripts or individual tools.
  • A good attitude looking to have some fun!

We leave you with a sketch of what you will find!

See you guys there!

Project Team:
Juan Urbano Stordeur
Juani Bousquet
Nicolas Trippar
Andres Pablo Sanchez
Korantin Auguste

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