الجمعة، 3 أكتوبر 2014

ekoparty Latin American Awards

The ekoparty Latin America Awards will be an annual awards ceremony premiering for the first time in the 10th edition of the eko Security Conference.

Awards ands VERY elegant statues will be given to commemorate both the achievements and abysmal failures of the Latin American Cyber- Security community.

How to participate?

Using Twitter, you can propose possible nominees to be included on the short list. Using hashtags for each of the awards categories, you select who you think is most deserving of these coveted awards.
The ekoparty Selection Committee and its´organizers after all the potential nominees are sent will narrow the list down to three nominees for each category.

After the short lists are decided upon, online voting will commence on the ekoparty web page. The nominee with the most votes in each category will be given the prize at the end of the conference.

Awards will be given in each of the following categories:

// ekoAward a la Trayectoria (lifetime achievement award)
This award goes to the individual who has made significant contributions to the community throughout the years. The winner is someone who serves as a positive example and source of motivation for the entire cyber-security community.
Twitter hashtag: #ekoAwardTrayectoria

// Ladri Award
The Ladri Award is a way to recognize our friends and colleagues, who like it or not, was a media sensation for doing basically nothing.

Twitter hashtag: #ekoLadriAward

// ekoAward a la Mejor Investigación Latinoamericana del 2014 (Best Latin American Research 2014)
Like the name says, the Award is given for the best research coming out of Latin America in 2014. The award will go to the person or group that released the most significant research for the cyber-security community.
Twitter hashtag: #ekoAwardMejorResearch

// ekoAward a la Destrucción Global de Internet (Global Destruction of the Internet Award)
This award goes to the Latin American that with his research has put us one step closer to completely destroying the internet and bringing us one step closer to the BBS era.
Twitter hashtag: #ekoAwardDestruccionGlobal

// ekoAward al Compromiso Masivo (Massive Security Breach Award)
This award goes to those men and women on the dark side that with a lot of time and dedication they continue to justify why each one of us still has a job.

Gold Badge
The Gold Badge is a free lifetime ticket for the eko that the organizer and panelist of judges will give to one deserving individual. This individual will be recognized for his hard work for the eko and his value to the entire community.

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