الثلاثاء، 14 يونيو 2016

[ROM] HyDroFap v2.0 Rom For Firefly Intense Metal v16 [MT6582]

[ROM] HyDroFap v2.0 Rom For Firefly Intense Metal v16 [MT6582]

[ROM] HyDroFap v2.0 Rom For Firefly Intense Metal v16 [MT6582] Screenshots [ROM] HyDroFap v2.0 Rom For Firefly Intense Metal v16 [MT6582] Screenshots [ROM] HyDroFap v2.0 Rom For Firefly Intense Metal v16 [MT6582] Screenshots

Change Logs:
New UI Theme
Fixed Camera force close in Notif Toggle
Fixed Recents Landscape Mode
Fixed Dialer App
Fixed SystemUI force close in Mms button
Added Ram Meter and Info Toggle
Added Audio Wizard Toggle
Added Battery Info Toggle
Added Statusbar Carrier Label and Logo
Added HeadsUp Notification
Added System, ListView, Scrolling and Toast Animations
Added New Mms App
Added M Platlogo
Equalizer force close not a big deal coz i added flashable dolby atmos for alternative.

Download Link

-Boot to Recovery
-Clean to Install New Rom
-Flash the ROm
-Flash the LG keyboard (Set this Keyboard As default in ur Setting)
-Flash the all the other .zip files

Team Pussy
Jay Al-Bc 
Maximum Dev/Port Team 
Knight Owls Porting Assassins 
KOPA - Renchie Aycardo
KOPA - Arron Arcilla For Porting

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