الخميس، 10 نوفمبر 2016

Faraday debuts in Japan

October was definitely a hectic month to say the least! In addition to organizing, participating and enjoying the Ekoparty (The biggest security conference in Latin America with workshops, challenges and great talks), we continued presenting Faraday around the world. This time, we traveled to Japan for AV Tokyo 2016.

This event brings together the Japanese community of computer security at a special conference. Prior to 2007, AV Tokyo used to be a more chilled out party after Black Hat Japan with the goal to do networking and exchange information. But from 2008, it took on a life of it’s own and became a full fledged Conference open to the public.

With the slogan "do not drink, do not hack" Av Tokyo 2016 took place October 22nd in Tokyo, Japan, and there, we presented and shared the latest version of Faraday, our integrated collaborative risk environment that maps and leverages all the knowledge generated in real time. Did you know that we've already integrated all your favorite pentesting tools? Visit Faraday Appstore and get more information.

In a relaxed atmosphere, we showed our latest advances, improvements and at the same time we were able to enjoy a couple of beers and Saki after. Work and fun at the same time! Is there anything better?? It was a great opportunity for us and we are happy to have been able to participate.
Thanks Japan for welcoming us and thanks to all of you for supporting each new improvement.

Cheers and beers!

For more information about Faraday and to learn about our services, please contact us by writing to our sales team at sales@infobytesec.com.

See you next time!

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