الجمعة، 25 سبتمبر 2015

Best Food Forward 2015: Half-a-Decade of Food Festival

 Foodie or not, this is something your tummy and taste buds will definitely look forward to. Best Food Forward is back on its 5th year, celebrating half-a-decade, combining food, camaraderie and entrepreneurship!

Best Food Forward is a benefit food fair that is celebrated every year. Best Food Forward 2015 will be held at The Rockwell Tent, Makati City on October 10-11, 2015.

Best Food Forward 2015

Time to open your taste buds and appetite to the best food servings and preparation as you fill them up with all the good treats the chefs and concessionaires can offer! Who says you have to limit and seclude yourself from tasting flavors and spices that only hig-end restos can offer.

Best Food Forward benefit food fair should open doors as you explore all the great tasting food, desserts, pastries, etc.
Being a Nuffnanger has its own perks, as there's an exclusive contest going on just for its member. Nuffnangers can score free tickets to the event where they can also bring friends and/or family members. 

Get your tummies and taste buds ready for #BestFoodForward 2015!

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