الأربعاء، 16 سبتمبر 2015


Heavy traffic, humid weather, then rain poured down like there's no tomorrow. Despite all the possible combination of  a what most may consider as bad a day, I can still stay fresh, clean and sexy!

Dina holding a Betadine Feminine Wash

You may ask, “What do you do 2x a week to keep you feeling clean and sexy?” I'll just smile and say, #IDoItTwiceAWeek

For a busy woman like me, every day is a combat to ward off discomfort, irritation and bad odour brought about by sweat, heat and germs specially in the most intimate part of my body.

What could feel more fresh and clean than being germ-free? Of course, we women dig to that! Moreso, when it comes to feminine hygiene.

Taking a bath is one of my day-to-day activities to keep my body feeling fresh and clean.  In a tropical country like the Philippines, where weather is attuned to warm climate most of the time, I cannot help but do it more than once a day. However, bathing is not enough to eradicate germs specially in the most sensitive part of my body where bacteria thrives the most. That is why it’s a relief to know that there is a solution to this problem -- BETADINE Feminine Wash -- a doctor-trusted brand which helps me combat germs and bacteria that causes itchiness and irritation and protects me from feminine infection.

Dina Cabreros

Feminine hygiene is a foundation of confidence and sexiness and as a woman, I feel I am at my sexiest by staying clean down there. Without a doubt, I joined BETADINE Feminine Wash’s SEXY CLEAN REVOLUTION because I believe Clean is the New Sexy! I use BETADINE2x a week to make me feel clean and sexy all throughout the week.

BETADINEFeminine Wash’s active ingredient Povidone Iodine 7.5% antiseptic formulation, protects women from common germs that cause feminine discomfort. Using it twice a week protect s us from odor, itchiness and feminine irritation which makes us feel sexy and confident to face everyday challenges.  It is the most prescribed product by Medical Doctors to mothers who just gave birth which makes it the No. 1 Liquid Antiseptic Feminine Wash.

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