الخميس، 10 ديسمبر 2015

BlackHat Europe Review

Last 12th of November we had the joy of participating in the latest Black Hat Europe Edition. Year after year, security specialists get together in this  iconic security conference that takes the most modern technology to the hands of the most competitive industry companies.

As always the quality of the briefings was high, from Android automated toolkits for assessments, rootkits detectors to more specialized papers like Blue Coat ProxySG systems analysis or a  beautiful piece of architecture implemented to analyze crime in the deep web were some of the highlights that we where able to see.

But besides the fun we also worked and presented Faraday in the Black Hat Arsenal trail. For those who are not familiar, it is the trail where new technology and products are presented to the general audience.

In this opportunity we presented the latest Faraday features with great interest from the people. We received a lot of positive feedback that is translated into new features that transforms into a better product.
Leaders, CISOs and Pentesters love our features that makes the assesment experience smoother. No more reports archeology for a re-check, no more re-writting vulnerabilities descriptions into the report. Better communication means more productivity and less errors in the short term!

Join us in the Faraday Revolution!

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