الثلاثاء، 29 ديسمبر 2015

Faraday: Continuous Scanning Meetup Miami: Wednesday 12-30

Doing a security audit for your infrastructure, web site or services whether it be annually or every six months is a great first step to better securing your systems, but in many cases it is not enough.
Adding to that, if the audit only involves one tool, our attack surface unfortunately is pretty small.
We are going to do a quick meet-up where we go over some of the concepts explained in:
By using different open source tools you can easily make an architecture to do continuous scannings:
- w3af
- nmap
- nikto
- burp
- zap
- nessus
- openvas
The event is open for anyone to attend and will be on Wednesday, December 30th in the LAB Miami (Big Idea Box Conference Room). If you are planning on attending you need to bring your laptop with the listed tools already installed. (Most of them already come with the latest distribution of Kali.
Hope to see everyone there!.
Confirm you presence! Event link:

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