الجمعة، 22 يوليو 2016

[ROM][KOPA]MauCat OS for Cherry Mobile Me Vibe X170 [MT6592]

[ROM][KOPA]MauCat OS for Cherry Mobile Me Vibe X170 [MT6592]

       Thanks to Knight Owls Porting Assosiation and KOPA Ronnie Gonzales 
( X170 Porter) and MR.AK. They manage to port MauCat OS for our Cherry Mobile Me Vibe X170 [MT6592]. Go and try it Guys! Hope you will enjoy it! 

MauCat OS for Cherry Mobile Me Vibe X170 [MT6592] Screenshots
Android 4.4.2
New & Unique UI
Themed Dialer & Status Bar Icons
Hifi Audio
Pre-Installed Utilities
Loud Audio Output
Google Apps Inbuilt
Xposed Supported
Sensors Working
Monsterous Battery Backup
Enhanced Gaming Experience
Butter Smooth UI
Kernel Tweaks (For More Juice)
Lots More!
Smoother Games
More Storage
Everything Working Fine

Download Link : 


Philz Recovery recommended to proceed further to flash ROM
Clean format
Clean data
Clean cache
Locate Downloded ROM on ur Internal SD
Just flash as it simple...wait till procedure complete
Restart your Device
Wont take much long hardly a min
Ready to Use ROM

Knight Owls Porting Assassins
KOPA - Ronnie Gonzales (X170 Porter)

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