الاثنين، 19 أكتوبر 2015

ekoparty 2015: Back to Roots

Today's the day! Ekoparty 2015: Back to roots. The biggest security conference in Latin Ameria is back!  Starting today the conference kicks-off with two days of trainings, then a full slate of talks this Wednesday thru Friday. The event will be held in the Konex Cultural Center in the heart of Buenos Aires and besides awesome talks there will be workshops, stands, activities, challenges, a party here or there and a lot more fun surprises.


The first two days of the conference consist of innovative trainings that you would be hard pressed to fine in a run-of-the-mill conference. Some of the topics covered are software vulnerability exploitation, hacking mobile apps and hardware hacking, to name a few.

Full Conference 

Starting on Thursday, you have a number of different talks with really a huge range of topics, some of the more interesting ones are:

Satellite TV Receivers: from remote control to root shell

Televisions have transformed a great deal from when systems were just simple receptors. Now they are much more like a computer and millions of them happen to be connected to the internet. This talk will do a quick overview of these systems and explain step by step how to hack tv systems step by step.

Sofiane Talmat has more than 10 years of experience in the industry working for IOActive.

[Learn about the enemy]

KrCERT/ CC, is a security center in South Korea that analyzes thousands of hacking incidents and cyber-terrorism every year, which many times come from abroad. It's suspeected that North Korea is behind many of these attacks and in this talk he will show some of their hacking methods.

Moonbeom Park is an researcher who works in KrCERT/CC and has over 8 years of experience in analysis. Lately he has been dedicated to studying cyber-groups from North Korea.

[Warranty Void If Label Removed - Attacking MPLS Networks]

Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is without a doubt one of the most prevalent services large companies can build and offer in which the services are very easy to scale up. However, while be increasingly important it is an area that has largely been ignored in the cyber security community with very few important pieces of research about the topic. This talk will explain different ways to attack this system and different vulnerabilities and weaknesses found in various leaders in the market.

To finish off the talk, best practices will be shown and when applicable it will be shown how to remedy the vulnerabilities for various venders.

Georgi is a security researcher for MWR InfoSecurity in the UK which focuses on finding IT errors, reverse engineering and Network Protocols. 

[Vot.Ar: A dirty election)

This talk which is based on a report done a couple of months ago by some of the more respected members of the Argentine IT Security community, they will discuss how they are able to manipulate the electronic voting machines used in this year's elections in Argentina. The speakers will show how to destroy ballots remotely, how to add more votes, how the system works and will talk about electronic voting in general.

Iván Ariel Barrera Oro one of the presenters is passionate about programming, electronics and elections. 

Javier Smaldone is a programmer and system administrator. He has been developing free software for more than 15 years.

... And More!

Besides being a space to exchange ideas and knowledge, the ekoparty provides a number of number of fun (but informative) activities. This year there will be the usual lockpicking challenge, wardriving an expo and a couple of surprises for everyone to look forward to.

About the lockpicking challenge

This year the challenge organized by Infobyte will include a number of different activities. On Wednesday participants will be able to get a feel for the challenge and train a bit by doing some ¨classic lockpicking¨: opening different kinds of locks with different demonstations included. The same will be available for learning how to take fingerprints which will be an important part of the actual challenge. On Thursday and Friday the ¨full¨ challenge will be available for anyone to try their hand at. The challenge will include locks, biometric scanners, an IP camera, coded audio files among other things with the goal being to complete a paragraph with different clues. The person or team who is able to complete it (or if there are multiple winners the fastest participants) will receive literally one of the coolest prizes I have ever seen. 

The ekoparty is a place for people that share your passion for IT security. We are super excited and we hope to see everyone there!

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