الثلاثاء، 6 أكتوبر 2015

GrabCar Love Boobs? Tee up for Grabs!: A Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign

Still looking for a GrabCar promo code for October? Maybe it's time to give back and help raise awareness about this type of cancer that attacks the Boobs(Breasts, id you find it taboo): Breast Cancer. Now you can help and make everyone else know by wearing Grab Love Boobs? Tee

October is the chosen month for Breast Cancer to get more exposure in a good way, a breast cancer awareness month. A better understanding of Breast Cancer and how possible detect it before it happens
GrabCar Love Boobs? Tee
Photo: Grabtaxiph

There's a lot of websites and institutions that talks about breast cancer. But still, a lot of us still know a little about this kind of cancer. Is it deadly? Is it contagious? How does someone get it? Is it hereditary? Yes there's a million questions so to speak. Did you even know that males also get breast cancer?

The GrabCar Love Boobs? Tees is a breast cancer awareness campaign to raise consciousness  on what's this ailment is about. When we start getting more curious the more we know about. It will help us know how to fight it, live with it, and also help the people who has it.

All sale proceeds of GrabCar Love Boobs? Tees will go to ICanServe Foundation.

More details about Breasts and Breast Cancer can be found here

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