الخميس، 15 أكتوبر 2015

Faraday Workspaces for Bug Bounties!

A ways back when we released Faraday v1.0.11 we added a couple of graphics to better visualize and understand the price of vulnerabilities based on their severity.

We thought it would be interesting to prepare Faraday workspaces for Bug bounties from different organizations. As a way to kick off the analysis we did scans of the included targets.

In this first batch, the following Bug Bounty workspaces were created.

1) Github
2) Facebook
3) Google
4) Yahoo
5) Mozilla

To import these workspaces into Faraday all you need to do is download them from Github.

Unzip the content in /var/lib/couchdb/ and these workspaces will be available in Faraday database.

Remember to have Faraday configured with CouchDB. For more information:

Read more about using Faraday for Bug bounty programs.

If you happen to see that there are some targets are missing inside a workspace or you have additional information that you want to incorporate you can send us your pulls here!

We hope everyone finds this useful! Happy Bug Bountying!

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