الاثنين، 5 أكتوبر 2015

Faraday 1.0.15 is ready

A brand new version is ready for you to enjoy! Faraday v1.0.15 (Community, Pro & Corp) was published today with new exciting features.

As a part of our constant commitment to the IT sec community we added a tool that runs several other tools to all IPs in a given list. This results in a major scan to your infrastructure which can be done as frequently as necessary. Interested? Read more about it here.

This version also features three new plugins and a fix developed entirely by our community! Congratulations to Andres and Ezequiel for being the first two winners of the Faraday Challenge! Are you interested in winning tickets for Ekoparty as well? Submit your pull request or find us on freenode #faraday-dev and let us know.

* Continuous Scanning Tool cscan added to ./scripts/cscan
* Hosts and Services views now have pagination and search

* Updates version number on Faraday Start
* Added Services columns to Status Report

* Converted references to links in Status Report. Support for CVE, CWE, Exploit Database and Open Source Vulnerability Database
* Added peepingtom, SSHdefaultscan and pasteAnalyzer plugins

* Debian install
* Saving objects without parent
* Visual fixes on Firefox

We hope you enjoy it, and let us know if you have any questions or comments.


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