السبت، 14 مارس 2015

Steve Jobs Biography ~ Steve swore that Apple would never develop a TV

Apple  has  been  dabbling  with  the  idea  of  breaking  into the  TV  market  for  some time  now,  but  it  looks  like  its late  founder  Steve Jobs  hated  the  idea  of building  a  TV.

The  upcoming  biography  ‘'Becoming  Steve  Jobs :  The  Revolution  of  a  Reckless Upstart  Into  A  Visionary  Leader‘’  looks  to  hover  over  what  kind  of  person Apple's  co-founder  really  was. Apple  enthusiasts  are  scrambling  to  collect details  about  a  new  Steve  Jobs  biography.  The upcoming  profile  of  Mr.  Jobs  will  be  released  March  24  and  is  already Amazon's  best-selling  preorder  within  the  category  of  Management  booksThe  book  also  mentions  Job’s aspirations to  purchase  Yahoo  in  a  joint  venture  with MrIger  from  DisneyThere  has  been plenty  of  speculation  over  the  years about  whether  Apple  would  attempt  to take  over  the  search  company,  but  this  is one  of  the  first  solid  confirmations  that Jobs  actually  considered  this  acquisition.

In  2007,  Apple  came  out  with  Apple  TV,  a  set  top  box  that  connects  to  a  TV  to  stream  shows  through  external  apps  like  Netflix  and  MLB.tv.  This  week, Apple  announced  that  it  had  sold  25  million  Apple  TVs,  and  unveiled  an exclusive  partnership  with  HBO  to  carry  its  HBO NOW  app.  This  isn't  the  first  time  we're  seeing  Jobs's  apparent dislike for  the  TV  business.  According  to  the book  "Haunted  Empire: Apple  After  Steve  Jobs, "  Jobs  reportedly said, "TV  is  a terrible  business.  They  don't  turn  over  and  the  margins  suck."  The  book  has  been authored  by  reporters  Brent  Schlender  and  Rick  Tetzeli,  who  both  gained  “incredible  and  sometimes exclusive  access to  those  who  were closest  to  the  Apple  co-founder.

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