الخميس، 12 مارس 2015

Use of Cloud Computing for Lawyers


Today I would be telling about the usage if cloud computing for legal professionals such as lawyers.
This is a special post as my father is also a lawyer and due to a fire in his house, he lost most of his data from his PC.So I now told him to use Cloud Computing.

For those who don't know what cloud computing is: A simple definition to understand cloud computing:

All your data of your PC (phone,tablet) is stored in your hard disk (memory card or some other  hardware). Using cloud computing is storing the same data in some Centrallized location (a server in a data centre ) , you may have no knowledge about the location about the data storage, but you can access the data in your computer online ( through the Internet).This service of storing your data on some centrallized location is called Cloud Computing.

The technical definition :

Cloud computing involves deploying groups of remote servers and software networks that allow centralized data storage and online access to computer services or resources. Clouds can be classified as public, private or hybrid.

My Experience with secure cloud storage services designed for lawyers:

 Truly speaking I used filecloud.pro and I am pretty satisfied with it.

Today I feel most of you lawyers should use cloud to store your data because it is convenient, safe , easy to use and it provides a great deal of security to your precious data.


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