الأربعاء، 18 مارس 2015

Pay your friends using Facebook :The new feature will start rolling out to users in the USA over "the coming months"

Is it possible to send money to your friend over  Facebook?
It will be in some time.
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Reflection of Facebook's Logo in human eye

Facebook is to launch a new feature on its messenger app to allow friends to send and receive money.

The social network says the new feature will start rolling out to users in the USA over "the coming months", and will be free to use.

The feature will see a new dollar sign icon added below the text entry box, next to where users add audio notes, images or emojis.

After tapping the icon, users will be able to enter an amount they wish to send and transfer it via their debit card.

Following several recent high profile cyber attacks on large companies and websites, Facebook has been quick to reassure users that the new system is secure.
A dependable and trusted payments processor for game players and advertisers since 2007, Facebook processes more than one million transactions daily on the site and also handles all the payments processed on Messenger.
We use layers of software and hardware protection that meet the highest industry standards. These payment systems are kept in a secured environment that is separate from other parts of the Facebook network and that receive additional monitoring and control. A team of anti-fraud specialists monitor for suspicious purchase activity to help keep accounts safe.
– A Facebook spokesperson
There is no word yet on if and when the feature will be extended to outside the USA.

Source ITV.com

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